Specifications for Submission
Images containing trademarks, such as company names or logos, will not be accepted (unless you provide us with written consent from trademark owners). If necessary, use image-editing software to remove them. Similarly, proper release forms are required for images depicting art works, businesses or recognizable people, without which they will not be accepted. Use our free Model Release Form or Property Release Form and minimize your exposure to any legal action.
- Submit the highest resolution image you have, while respecting the maximum file size of 10 MB. We will scale it down to offer lower resolution options to our clients (see them on our Pricing page).
- The minimum resolution accepted is 1250 pixels on the longest side.
- Files must be .jpg or .jpeg formats.
- Submit full-frame 4K video as much as possible, while respecting the maximum file size of 1 GB. We will scale it down to offer lower resolution options to our clients (see them on our Pricing page).
- Files must be .mov or .mp4 formats.
- While our platform can support a variety of codecs, we recommend that you use H.264 or Apple ProRes 422.
Here are a few tips to help you succeed:

Shoot short, shoot lots
Keep in mind that you’re trying to produce as much high-quality content as you can. If it takes a long time to execute an idea, it’s probably not worth it. Keep videos short – the most useable clips are 10-15 seconds. Take lots of photos and upload a selection of the most interesting ones.

Besides having original images that showcase the North, it’s important to create content in a high-quality format. Shooting footage in 4K has become the standard for stock footage sites. Fortunately, most of the latest smartphones can shoot at that resolution, so you won’t need to spend a fortune. Similarly, for photographs, the higher the resolution, the better.

Location, location, location.
You’re able to capture what most others will never see in person, in places where most people will never set foot. Explore your surroundings, go off the beaten track, and create a profitable niche for yourself!

Old footage and photos
Do you have old images of the North? Because of the rich history contained in the Arctic, many organizations look to stock sites for photos and footage depicting people and places decades ago. If you have these types of images, we can help you digitize them and make them available for purchase on our site. Email info@arcticstock.ca to find out more.